Tea Balls
5.00₾ (1 piece)
The basis for this exquisite arrangement of tea and blossoms is laid each year in the province where only select tea plants are carefully cultivated. A limited amount of fine, young sprouts and buds needed for this handmade quality are picked in spring. The heart of this blooming tea is formed by marigold blossoms, which unfold like the sun and are surrounded by a wreath of green-glowing leaf tips. Smooth and flowery on the palate with a honey-coloured liquor. Ingredients: green tea, flower blossoms.
The ball is best prepared in a glass teapot, where the process of its unfolding will be visible. 1 ball is 7-8 g and is enough for a 600-800 ml teapot. The infusion has a golden color and a pleasant taste.
Category Green Tea
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