Rooibos with Sanddorn & Cream
15.00₾ (50 gr)
Rooibos is made from a South African red rose bush. The tincture does not contain caffeine, has a reddish color and a sweet taste. Rooibos contains a large amount of antioxidants and vitamins. Recommended for children, athletes and pregnant women.
Category Decaffeinated tea
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This herbal tea (tree bark) is widely used in South and Central American folk medicine to treat various ailments such as infections, colds, flu, diabetes, diarrhea, stomach ulcers.
Method of preparation: pour 4-5 teaspoons of lapacho into 1 liter of water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Leave for 20 minutes and eat.
15.00₾ (50 gr)
Karkade, also known as hibiscus, is made from the Sudanese rose. Its homeland is India, although it is no less popular in Egypt and Sudan.
Karkade drink does not contain caffeine, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and has an antibacterial effect. The infusion has a bright red color and a soothing effect.
Karkade is not recommended for those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis and high blood pressure.
Teamania recipe: 1 heaping spoonful of Karkade per 1 cup. Serve cold or hot.
15.00₾ (50 gr)
მატე მზადდება პარაგვაის მარადმწვანე ბუჩქის ფოთლებისგან. ის არ იწვევს მიჩვევას და კარგად ამხნევებს. აქვს კარგი მატონიზირებელი თვისებები, დადებითად მოქმედებს ნერვულ სისტემაზე, ხსნის აღგზნებადობას და აუმჯობესებს მეხსიერებას. ტრადიციულად, მატეს აყენებენ სპეციალურ ჭურჭელში - “კალებასა”-ში (გამომშრალი გოგრა) და მიირთმევენ სპეციალური საწრუპით - “Bombilla”.
ჩაიმანიას ქსელი გთავაზობთ ბიო მატეს ბრაზილიიდან.
Rose buds
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საახალწლო კალენდარი XL
Tea, Fruit Tea, Flavored Green Tea, Flavored Black Tea, Decaffeinated tea, Tea, Flavored Green Tea, Flavored Black Tea, Decaffeinated tea, Fruit Tea, Packaging, Packaging
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Mate is made from the leaves of a Paraguayan evergreen bush. It is not addictive. It has good toning qualities, has a positive effect on the nervous system, relieves excitability and improves memory. Traditionally, mate is placed in a special cup - "calabash" (dried pumpkin) and served with a special straw - "Bombilla".
Teamania chain offers Bio Mate from Brazil.